We invite you to join a 2-part call series responding to the alarming rise of death by suicide among Black youth, led by experts Dr. Kimani Norrington-Sands, Christopher Brown, and Dr. Jaleel Abdul-Adil and co-hosted by the Anti-Racism Faculty and the Trauma-Informed Suicide Prevention Community of Practice.
During these calls, we will discuss what it means to protect Black futures, the root causes of disproportionately rising suicidality among Black youth, and what it will take - at individual, organizational, and societal levels -
to transform our communities and systems so that Black youth experience the freedom and support to grow into thriving adults.
Part 1: March 28 12pmET / 11amCT / 10amMT / 9amPT
Part 2: April 25 12pmET / 11amCT / 10amMT / 9amPT
Join Zoom Meeting: https://duke.zoom.us/j/94658641347?pwd=VW9Sb0FqMWhhZDRrelp3RU1IUEMydz09
Meeting ID: 946 5864 1347
Passcode: 437898